Secret Identity
It's time you all knew...
Some of you already suspected...
I am a superhero.
Ok... Here's the dealio... Me being the absolutely splendid chap that I am, I have registered for this years TACHEBACK challenge!
For those of you who are saying "what the hell is Tacheback?!", well, it's an anual event run by the Cancer Research Institute in order to raise money for research intop testicular and prostate cancer. Obviously, for those who know me and my extended family, cancer has already played a big part so raising money for this cause has taken on a personal edge... Basically, I am going to stop shaving my top lip for the WHOLE of september. At the end of the month, I will be the proud owner of a trained sub nasal ferret whom I will call Fudgy.
Of course this means great sacrifice and hardship on my part, not to mention the discomfort Katie, my good lady wife will have to deal with! I will of course be posting my progress on this blog... You have been warned!
In order to raise money for this event, I am looking for sponsorship. That's where all you good people in Blogland come in!
Here are a few links to help exlpain things a bit more clearly...
Firstly, Here's the link to Tacheback Central... All you ever wanted to know about it is right here!
Here's a link to my "Tache Troop"... I will not be fighting the fight against the evil razor lords alone! By the way... ignore the photo... That's last years. There is a link on this page that will allow you to make a donation or a pledge, so please... Dig deep!
And lastly, this link is a link to the charity behind the hilarity... Check them out and all the good work they do.
Spread the word good citizens of earth... We need you to help save us and become honorary members of the FANTACHETIC FOUR!
VERY COOL!!! I am going to have Mr. Melancholytrolop (has to keep identity secret or the FBI will find out har har) make a donation as soon as he gets home from work. Good for you!!
Secret Squirrel a.k.a. Mr. Melancholytrolop made a donation to fudgy yesterday! Cool!
Thank you SOOO very much to the McTrollop Clan! Your donation will be used to buy defensive shields to protect the Fantachetic Four harmful razor burn...
Ok... I just had to delete a stupid "party poker" advert that was put in here as a comment... Next twat that puts another "spam comment" in this blog gets my TACHE UPSIDE THIER HEAD!
I agree with you wholeheartedly. HST showed me how to delete "anonymous" and block it but I haven't had one from an actual name (yet) that was spam. It's very annoying and feels invasive.
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