Just like "The Governator"...
It's been since NOVEMBER LAST YEAR since I last posted! EEEEK! I guess I must have been oh so busy doing stuff like sleeping, being lazy and general apathy!
Anyway, I came crawling back and noticed my dear old transatlantic Mom had requested I do more blogs. So here I am (and by the way, the "old" bit in that refernce was purely for turn of phrase purposes!)
Ok... Errr.... So what's happened since last November?!
To be honest, not a lot!
I got moved offices, and now I'm doing even more menial stuff... It's quite sad really that even though I'm trained as a cartographer, and that's what's on my job description, all I do all day is sit at a PC and enter numbers. A trained chimp could do this job! As it happens, I think some of the people around me really ARE trained chimps (but without the cute)!
Oh yes! I suppose there is one BIG thing that's happened... I started flying lessons! Yey! I'm going to be a pilot! What? Don't believe me?! Well then fine... Here's the evidence!
Yes... That really is me at the controls! Anyways, It's DAMN good fun and this is the start of my training... Eventually I'll be a comercial pilot so who knows... Perhaps I'll be flying one of you lot around in a few years time!
Here's a bit of an arty farty picture too showing my plane (and yes... it's MINE now... I flew it, therefore it's MINE!)...
Anything else happen? Mmmmmmmmm... Thinking... Nope! Just been doing my flying and moaning about work.
Speaking of which, I received my "Service Leavers Pack" the other day... I knew I was leaving, but it didn't really hit home till I got all these forms and leaflets about homelesness and debt and stuff... They have SO much faith in us! I have to admit though, I'm getting a little panicky about arranging everything I need... Find a house, get a mortgage, get another job... And all in 5 months (well, I do enjoy a challenge)!
As far as jobs go though... I have been "offered" a position at the same airfield where I currently work but as an aircraft handler... Not as good pay, but the shifts are AWESOME and who would turn down a job where you get to play with planes all day?!
That's it for now though...
Have fun...
Sorry for lack of boobs in this post but my dear lady wife (and OH MY GOD! Wouldn't you know it, SHE LIVES IN ENGLAND!) wouldn't let me post the pictures.
(or for my American fan club out there who expect all things British, TOODLE PIP!)