OH! The humanity!
I know... I know... How dare I sapend so much time away from blogging? When I live such and exciting life?!
Well, it's good news and bad news...
This will be my last blog... I will nevermore be subbmitting my life on the pages of Blogger.com...
But don't fret!
I will be continuing my life story, not that I submit much of it, but on another blog site... Go check it out... www.typepad.com
The reason for this change is that I am about to get a new phone... It's shiny... It's cool... it's got more features than the avearage PC... One such feature is really rather awsome... It's caled Lifeblog...
Lifelblog apparently will let me take all the pictures and videos I want and put written notes nect to them... Then when I get home, I sync to my PC and the Lifeblog software will create a blog post with all my stuff from the day and post it for all to see!
It would have been great to use it on my blog here, but I guess you can't have everything...
I guess this means you'll get to see more pictures... and more totally boring and mundane stuff than you ever wanted... Yay!
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