Thursday, April 26, 2007

Newcastle 2007

Well, I had to drive all the way to Newcastle last week... ok... I didn't do the driving, but it was a long trip anyway!

Newcastle Airport required it's annual check and it was down to me and my colleague Ollie to get it done...

Here's a quick video montage of the trip... nothing special, but I think it's good!


Friday, April 13, 2007

Power Checks

Power Checks
Originally uploaded by supernicebloke2000.

A fellow learner, conducting power checks prior to takeoff... While we wait patiently for for hime to get out of the way!

While we both wait, another flier feels the urge to land...

Diamond Twin Star

Diamond Twin Star
Originally uploaded by supernicebloke2000.

Diamond Twin Star...

Looks like an alien, but flies like a dream... And I think it looks kind of sexy! Ok.. I think ALL planes look sexy...

High Tech Gear

High Tech Gear
Originally uploaded by supernicebloke2000.

Got to learn the intricacies of "GPS based kinematic surveying" today... Learned how to set up and use the kit shown here, plus a few other toys!

Planes at dawn

Planes at dawn
Originally uploaded by supernicebloke2000.

Arrived at Wolverhampton Airport (Also known as Halfpenny Airfield) early morning... misty but warm... Planes sitting idle on the field, waiting for the days activities... Tell you what... My job sure beats working for a living!

Thursday, April 12, 2007

Testing Testing...

Testing Testing...
Originally uploaded by supernicebloke2000.

Here's a quick test... our new house.

Well, I own it at least...


I own the phone it came as a sample on then... Happy now?!

Ok people... Here's the scoop... The photo's on here are posted from the Flickr service website... It's cool... you should go there. Click on the picture, and it will take you there and then you can peruse my photos at your leisure, and you can even leave comments, notes, even put boxes on the pictures with small comments about a certain thing! AND you can see a map which will tell you where and when it was taken... Too cool for words... Just GO THERE!


This is a test post from flickr, a fancy photo sharing thing.

Monday, April 09, 2007

Spoke too soon...

Ok, so maybe I WON'T be leaving!

Turns out that no wonder Nokia are "partnered" with this new blog site... You have to pay each month to use it!

Needless to say, I WON'T be leaving behind the free service here, so here I will remain!

I have however discovered that I can still "blog" my phone recorded life to the FLIKR service and then link that to my blog here... So that's what I'll do! In fact, the FLIKR service is very cool in lots of ways, but (and here comes the gadget stuff!), it will let me put photo collections, comments, notes directly from my phone to the web... and it can even draw a map and show EXACTLY where in the world and when a picture/comment was made! For a cartographer like me, that's a VERY cool thing!

Anyway, I guess it's stay tuned...

OH! and before I forget, check out my NEW blog... I'm starting out in the world of Radio Controlled Aircraft, and I will be keeping a record of how I get on!

Sunday, April 08, 2007

OH! The humanity!

I know... I know... How dare I sapend so much time away from blogging? When I live such and exciting life?!

Well, it's good news and bad news...

This will be my last blog... I will nevermore be subbmitting my life on the pages of

But don't fret!

I will be continuing my life story, not that I submit much of it, but on another blog site... Go check it out...

The reason for this change is that I am about to get a new phone... It's shiny... It's cool... it's got more features than the avearage PC... One such feature is really rather awsome... It's caled Lifeblog...

Lifelblog apparently will let me take all the pictures and videos I want and put written notes nect to them... Then when I get home, I sync to my PC and the Lifeblog software will create a blog post with all my stuff from the day and post it for all to see!

It would have been great to use it on my blog here, but I guess you can't have everything...

I guess this means you'll get to see more pictures... and more totally boring and mundane stuff than you ever wanted... Yay!